The Quest
I have had this vague idea for a truly big goal in my head for a long time, but I’ve been afraid to actually define it. I hadn’t examined the thought closely because even its outline looked ambitious, and I have been trying to reject all my ambitious impulses. Why? Maybe because I thought it was wrong to be ambitious, but really, that isn’t the _real _reason. I am terrified by it. Terrified by the possibility failure, of being alone, and even of what success might mean; that is why I hadn’t defined a clear goal, a clear quest. After all, it’s easy to avoid failure if you don’t define what success means. Well, after some pushing I’ve finally gone and defined it. I have been holding off on publishing this for a couple weeks now, and even just pressing the publish button has been hard, but I’m not about to let fear defeat me before I’ve even begun.
*The Quest: Explore 75* European cities in 3 years Now, that goal would be very doable on its own, and if that was the only objective I’d honestly not be that motivated by it. What motivates me more? Two things immediately come to mind when I imagine travelling, training on everything I can find and meeting amazing people. So with those two things in mind, I’m adding two extra tasks to do in each city.
1) Long-form Parkour run(s) across each city (like this one.
2) Organizing a gathering of movement artists to learn from each other and share the joy of movement.
When and where does it start? In Brussels on the day I land. There is other stuff I want to do in each city too, but it’s difficult to be specific enough when the idea is something like “well, I want to play on everything.” A liiitle hard to create a clear objective there. Anyway, so I’ll also be scouring each city for training spots and generally trying to show the infinite possibilities for joyful human movement that the world has to offer us. I have no idea whether I will succeed, but I’m bursting with excitement at the mere thought of doing all of this. All I know is that this journey promises to be an incredible experience full of challenge and growth. I have no doubt that it will often times feel impossibly difficult, but to quote Bruce Lee, *“a man must constantly exceed his level.” It’s time to dive in. Pushing the publish button NOW. In the meantime I’m figuring out exactly which cities to go to. The 75 biggest has a couple countries heavily over-represented (UK, Germany) and some totally missing. To make it more interesting (and more difficult) I’ll be adding in cities from Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland at the least. The finalized list will be ready before I get to Brussels, until then I’m open to suggestions.
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