Playin' with rocks (video - mostly)
I spent most the majority of my time in both Iceland and Ireland in or near nature. Sure, the contrast between the two is stark: after Iceland’s tree-less volcanic landscape arriving in Ireland felt as if I’d just wandered into the Amazon by accident; so verdant.
Still, in each case I was able to be in contact with the land almost continuously. And for those 2 months, and I must have gotten real used to the subtle calming effects of immersion in the natural world. I’ve been back state-side and in a city again for just a few weeks and the urge to slip into the woods already came back within a few days of getting here; far more quickly than I remembered it happening before. Usually that desire is triggered by a need to seek out a quiet place to think; dropping into deep thought is easier for me out in the ( at least semi) wild. Anyway, that’s a topic for another time.
With it being proper summer here I can finally explore barefoot again (was still too cold in Iceland, most of the time)! The tendency to wander into the woods to think gives me the convenient excuse to practice outside of the urban environment. Usually it’s hard to find good opportunities for playing in nature in cities, but luckily DC is a good city for it. There is a slash of forest (Rock Creek Park, but it’s not some crappy manicured park) running through the northwest towards the heart of the city. Even better is a more untamed part of the place is just a 30 minute walk away. I headed out yesterday on one such walk to hash out some thoughts on the post I had originally planned for this week and also record whatever movement play/challenge I cooked up once I got into Rock Creek Park.
Originally I thought I would try some routes across the smattering of fallen trees around the area…but then I found a rock.
A good lifting rock.
One does not say no to a nice lookin’ rock, especially when it’s been so long since I’ve lifted any. Ahem.
Right, so here’s a pretty raw video (fail included) of a challenge I made for myself with that pretty lil’ rock. (Made it up as I went, only rule was to not let it touch the tree trunk)
How much did it weight? No idea, lighter than a stillborn calf (story for another time) but a bit too heavy for a proper clean…so in the 70-100lbs range?
If you find a good rock, tree, unsuspecting cat, or anything else that is begging to be picked up…try something with it.
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